“Transgender” medicine is a booming industry
our findings include
Total revenues for transgender drugs and surgeries in 2023 were estimated to surpass $4.4 billion. And by 2030, the market is expected to grow beyond $7.8 billion.
While the total cost of transitioning varies widely by individual, lifelong use of cross-sex hormones could cost up to $300,000 or more per person, while a full surgical transition could cost upwards of $150,000 per individual.
The potential health consequences of undergoing transition are numerous, ranging from increased risk of cancer, nerve damage, chronic pain, sexual dysfunction, mental health issues, the need for additional surgeries, and more.
A number of transgender surgery providers were each estimated to bring in over $100 million in revenue in 2022 from these practices. Pharmaceutical companies are profiting as much as $74 million each annually from those products.

More victims are coming forward to tell their stories, even as physicians in the United States plow forward with promoting “gender-affirming care” as an unalloyed good.
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The Cost of Transition
It is difficult to put a precise price tag on the process of sex-trait modification, given the sheer variety of procedures offered; the wide range in costs; and the additional unknowns of required follow-up, potential complications, etc. However, based on the data provided by Grand View Research, the following can be considered a very rough (and likely conservative) estimate of the total cost for both a male and a female to undergo the complete sex-trait modification process.
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